Healing Heptagon pop-up shop, part of Healing Heerlen, 2018
Healing Heptagon pop-up shop during arti et amicitiae’s ORAKEL November 2018


Healing Heptagon pop-up shop during arti et amicitiae’s ORAKEL November 2018


Healing Heptagon pop-up shop during arti et amicitiae’s ORAKEL November 2018







Maria Goeppert Mayer makes a Heptagon From Obstacles to start with Obstacles








Healing Heptagon pop-up shop during arti et amicitiae’s ORAKEL November 2018



Healing Heptagon pop-up shop during arti et amicitiae’s ORAKEL November 2018



Healing Heptagon pop-up shop during arti et amicitiae’s ORAKEL November 2018


















Healing Hymns, €28, send us a mail to order directly, or listen on soundcloud, your Healing will profit from a gift to Blue Creates the Open Space. We can’t be held responsible for your Healing if you decide not to donate.





Failing is allowed it’s good to make mistakes: the theory. Buy now for 7 euros by sending us a mail.